(A collaboration with Suna Imre and Hugh Greasley )

This ongoing project will take place in a variety of outdoor settings. Together Suna and I will explore the space, our surroundings and engage with nature and our environment through improvised movement. Hugh, a painter and poet, will witness and film us. Our aim is to question the unknown. To express our feelings as they come up in the moment. To explore the impact of important environmental issues such as climate change and species extinction in our dance. We will also look at relational subjects like touch and the experience of lockdown and its effect.
The name Axo is inspired by the axolotl a Mexican amphibian that has the ability to regenerate lost or damaged limbs, hearts, spinal cords, and even parts of their brains, all without permanent scarring. They stay ‘young’ throughout their lives. They are a species that is in danger of extinction and we wanted to bring attention to all species that are disappearing. And in the same way, we want to highlight that the traditions of movement are disappearing in some places and we want to explore that.
The video diaries
We hope you enjoy the films. We will be creating one a month and will add them to this page as we do.

“We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.”
T S Eliot