I was born in Mexico and trained in Butoh and Somatic dance techniques, both of which enable one to express deep, often unconscious feelings through movement.

My personal work as a dance performer allows me to tell stories that I feel need to be told, bringing awareness to the unsaid, breaking silences and showcasing the power of conversation.

I enjoy working collaboratively. When I created Bitter Pineapples, with artist and filmmaker Anna Cady it was an exciting challenge. Combining the creativity of dance, improvisation and movement with film where the process is generally much more prescriptive. Together we endeavoured, to convey the role dance plays in coming to terms with trauma. I believe we all have trauma from unsaid and untold stories inside us. Dance is the perfect way to access, express and release it.

I am also enjoying my ongoing collaboration Axo, with Suna Imre a performance dance artist and Hugh Greasley a poet and artist. Each month for a year Suna and I will dance together outdoors in a variety of settings exploring the space and our surroundings. Engaging with nature and our environment through improvised movement, as Hugh films us.

I live and work in Southampton, where, as well as performing I hold movement classes for older people and those living with Parkinson’s disease. I believe our bodies know what they are capable of and I want to encourage people to listen to, and trust, their bodies whatever their situation.

I am a trained Otago Exercise Leader; a worldwide, evidenced-based falls prevention approach recommended by healthcare professionals. I offer classes that will help improve your strength and balance.

I also facilitate workshops, often co-facilitating with other artists. See my Workshops page for upcoming events.


Bringing dance to elders and people with Parkinson’s

My classes are expressive and creative and promote feelings of freedom from the physical and social constraints of living with Parkinson’s and the restrictions of age. They offer participants the opportunity to explore the joy of moving, in a friendly, supportive and safe environment.


My chair-based sessions are specifically designed for the elderly or other frail participants with a combination of chair-based and some standing sequences. They aid the development of posture, coordination, balance and strength. They are a fantastic way to improve fitness in a protected environment.

I also run a social and uplifting movement class designed specifically for the symptoms of Parkinson’s, helping to increase general mobility, confidence and social and emotional well-being.

Family and carers are invited to come free of charge to share in the creativity and joy of moving in a friendly, supportive and safe environment.

During my sessions, I always encourage participants to do as little or as much as feels right for them. I believe our bodies know what they are capable of and I want to encourage people to listen to, and trust, their bodies.


My Movement Classes


Nth Baddesley 10.30 - 11.30 am

Steady and Strong Dance - for strength and balance


Southampton 9.30 - 10.30am

Active Living

St Denys 12 - 1 pm

Afro-Caribbean Lunch Club Dance

Eastleigh 1.30 - 2.30 pm


Chandlers Ford 9.30 - 10.30 am

Steady and Strong Dance - for balance and strength

Chandlers Ford 10.40 - 11.40 am

Steady and Strong - for balance and strength

Eastleigh 1.30 - 3 pm

Dance for Parkinson’s - term time only


My Dance Projects